Ascent Mount Plata - Vallecitos, Mendoza

A high mountain expedition to a 6000 masl summit

  • Start Date : 2025-Jan-19
    End Date: 2025-Jan-25
  • Hora Inicio: 9 am
    Hora Fin: 7 pm
  • Meeting Point:Mendoza bus terminal
    End: Mendoza bus terminal
  • Duration:8 days + trip
    Availability: 11 spots
Ascent Mount Plata (6000 masl) - Vallecitos, Mendoza


Dates on request for groups - minimum 4 people.

The mountain everyone sees from the distance...

The Cordón del Plata is the high mountain "school" for the people of Mendoza in particular and for the Argentines in general. At a very short distance (80 km) from Mendoza, Argentina, we have in those mountains one of the few "alpine" landscapes in the country; Where altitude, really big mountains, ice and verticality are combined. It is a midpoint between the great distances and desert smoothness of the high mountains of the Northwest and the concentrated and upright granite masses of Patagonia. Much could be written about geological, historical or romantic aspects of these beautiful mountains, where so many mountaineers of different generations have lots of memories, dreams and first achievements. But let's get to the point from the Andean point of view. Visible in part from the city of Mendoza and even better from the towns to the east and the Uco Valley, from Guaymallén to San Carlos, the people of Mendoza ignore its secrets and many confuse its white moles with Aconcagua or Tupungato. The Cordón del Plata does not belong to the Cordillera del Limit or Cordillera Principal, where the Aconcagua is, nor to the old Precordillera, but is between both, constituting together with the Cordillera del Tigre the so-called Cordillera Frontal. It is geologically the newest, and for this reason its mountains are the most slender in the Central Andes.

Our program invites you to meet them and captivate yourself with their great shadows, trying to reach several of their precious peaks.


Day 1: Meeting in Mendoza. Last minute purchases. Transfer by charter vehicle to Vallecitos (2,850 m.a.s.l.), about 80 km from the city. In Vallecitos we will settle in a typical mountain refuge where we will spend the night. In the afternoon: short acclimatization walk in the area. Overnight in shelter.

Day 2: This day we will do trekking and ascents to the Lomas Blancas, Arenales and Andresito hills, to continue with the acclimatization. Overnight in shelter.

Day 3: The idea of ??this day is to make an ascent to the Veguitas Superior camp, at 3450 meters above sea level, to continue with the acclimatization period. Options that will define the guides with the group. Overnight in tent.

Day 4: Permanence in Veguitas Superior for acclimatization with short walks and perhaps an attempt to summit Cerro Adolfo Calle (4200 masl). Overnight in tent.

Day 5: Ascent to El Salto camp (4200 masl). acclimatization, hydration Rest. Overnight in tent.

Day 6: Day of acclimatization to altitude. Short walks in the area. Good nutrition and hydration. Team preparation to attempt summit. Overnight in tent.

Day 7: Attempt to summit the Vallecitos or Plata hills (according to group conditions and weather). We leave very early. Very tiring day. Return in the afternoon to El Salto camp. Overnight in tent.

Day 8: Descent to the base of Vallecitos and from there, with our private transport, to the city of Mendoza. End of the expedition and services.


Program with a high degree of demand in the ascents. The height plays its important role, good previous hydration is needed.

Program subject to weather conditions. Modifications to it may occur on the fly depending on circumstances and various factors. The decisions will be made exclusively by the guides and coordinators

Included Services
  • Transfers to and from the city of Mendoza.
  • All meals in the mountains (breakfast, energy-snacks, lunches, snacks, dinners).
  • 2 Overnights in refuge
  • Tents.
  • Portage with mules to Camp El Salto if possible.
  • General camping service.
  • Professional mountain guides.
  • Satellite Monitoring.
  • Satellite phone for emergencies.
  • Previous informative meetings.
  • Personal accident insurance.
  • Permanent assistance.

Services NOT included
  • Personal technical equipment.
  • Trip to Mendoza (flight tickets)
  • Tips.

Photo and Video Gallery


Plata Mount, Ascent to the summit.

Ascent to the highest peak of the Cordon del Plata, 6000 m.a.s.l.

Ascent to Cerro Plata 6000 masl - Mendoza

The great ascent to the most desired mountain of the Cordón del Plata

San Bernardo Summit 4510 masl

Mountaineering - Vallecitos


¿Es un ascenso con dificultad?

No tiene dificultad técnica pero sí física con altura. Conviene tener algo de experiencia previa en trekkings y ascensos a montañas menores. El dia de cumbre se completan casi 1800 mts de desnivel en ascenso y descenso. 

¿Necesito estar entrenado?

Sí. Para cualquier actividad de montaña se necesita tener una preparación física previa, o ser activo físicamente, pero en este caso conviene profundizar más el entrenamiento.

¿Necesito contar con experiencia previa?

Conviene tener algo de experiencia previa en trekkings y ascensos a montañas menores. El dia de cumbre se completan casi 1800 mts de desnivel en ascenso y descenso. 

¿Dónde se pernocta?

El pernocte se realiza en refugio de montaña, con colchones, y luego en carpas. Es necesario llevar bolsa de dormir abrigada de montaña.  

¿Cuál es el clima o temperatura?

Aunque la época del año sea primavera-verano, en zonas cordilleranas y/o agrestes las temperaturas suelen descender por la noche y bien temprano. En el campamento de altura, a 4200 msnm, las temperaturas pueden llegar a -10°.

¿Se hacen paradas de descanso?

Las paradas se dan con una frecuencia y graduación según la intensidad.

Hay paradas para almorzar, merienda, y descanso, no en el dia de cumbre, donde las comidas son bien de marcha, tratando de cumplir con el objetivo.

¿A partir de que edad pueden hacer esta actividad?

A partir de los 14 años de edad.

¿Cuanto pesa la mochila?

En esta salida en los primeros 3 días nos movemos con poco peso, los ascensos son de ida y vuelta en el dia. Luego debemos continuar con la mochila de expedición, llegando a cargar hasta 15 kg en las mujeres y 20 kg en los hombres aproximadamente.

¿Qué comemos?

En todas nuestras expediciones brindamos el servicio de comidas EN PLAN PENSION COMPLETA.

  • Almuerzos de marcha (comidas frias): Sandwiches de milanesa y tomate, Sandwiches de fiambre, picadas, ensaladas, tapas, etc.
  • Cenas: Guisos de verdura-panceta-chorizo colorado, Cazuelas de pollo y verduras, Pastas con salsas varias o estofado, Carne asada (Chivito), Chaw Fan, Pollo con arroz a la cacerola....
  • Desayunos y meriendas: Te, Café, Capuchino, Mate Cocido, Mate, Leche en polvo; pan, galletitas, mermelada, miel, dulce de leche; cereales, fruta.

Es preciso completar la ficha personal/médica como para aclarar si alguien no ingiere algún tipo de alimento.

Difficulty graduation

Mochila: Peso / Duración de la Jornada.

Exigencia Física

Técnico: Dificultad en el Terreno / Equipo.

Fortaleza Psicológica

Exposición a la Altura

Backpack (M)

This point has to do with the weight that we must carry in our backpacks. Trekkings or crossings where we have pack animals allow us to bear less weight on our backs. And the multi-day journeys in Patagonia (without the option of having pack mules) generally make us carry more weight, especially in the early days.

20% Up to 5 Kilos: Short excursion walks / Trekking Talampaya

40% Up to 8/10 Kilos: Round-trip trekking / Vallecitos 3 and 4-day programs

60% Up to 12/15 kilos: Crossing trekking with porting / Crossing of the Andes Paso Portillo

80% More than 15/18 kilos: Cross-country trekkings with little or no portage / Trekkings in Patagonia (Paso Vuriloche, PN Lanin or Nahuel Huapi, etc)

100% More than 25 Kilos: With a lot of equipment on top and little or no porting / Continental Ice

Fitness (F)

We consider physical demands to the wear that we can suffer both aerobic (climbs = possible shortness of breath) and muscle (resistance = many hours walking) and of legs and joints (descents = knees / ankles).

20% half a day or less with little unevenness.

40% more sustained slopes and longer days in the activity. 2-3 days / more than 6 hours per day.

60% Long ascents and descents with a longer duration. Ascents to more than 4000 meters in the central mountain range / intense 4-day trekking (Uruguayan plane)

80% Important work of legs in resistance. Very long days. Very long day ascents (Lanin - Domuyo) or more than 5000 meters. Ice courses.

100% Maximum demand. Aerobic work and constant effort on legs. Continental Ice, Aconcagua, mountains of more than 6000 meters.

Technical (T)

The technical difficulty is mainly based on the terrain. How much can it cost us to climb a slope, if it is very steep or if we have to use our hands in some section (simple climbing), both in rock and snow-ice, or materials such as crampons and pegs in other ascents.

20% flat land

40% trails with moderate ups and downs. General crossing trekkings . Sierra de la Ventana, Córdoba, Patagonia, Cuyo, north, others. Classic ascents

60% Steeper slopes and trails. Possible use of crampons. Domuyo, Cordón del Plata, Cordillera Central.

80% Mixed terrain, with snow or ice. Alvear, Lanin, Tronador. Bolivia, Peru.

100% Highly technical terrain. Glacial transit and climbing in sections. Hill climbing with sections on slopes of more than 60 ° inclination

Psycho (P)

We maintain that this point, the psychological factor, represents a relevant factor. Each one needs a factor of conviction, confidence, self-control and will power to achieve a goal. And depending on the attitude with which we face distances, slopes, terrain and many other objective factors, we can achieve performance with very different results.

20% We will not be much affected.

40% This is a normal level of attention.

60% We require more motivation, enthusiasm and concentration.

80% The activity will require us to be very connected and convinced.

100% Maximum control and emotional-psychological performance.

Adventures (A)

It is the factor that, the height above sea level, influences us depending on the activity we carry out. Managing and overcoming symptoms caused by altitude is the key to this point

0% + sea level.

20% Up to 2000 masl.

40% + 2000 masl.

60% + 4000 masl.

80% + 5000 masl.

100% + 6000 masl.

Gradual Adventure Activity Difficulty System designed by Leandro Scheurle.
Copyright © 2009. All rights reserved.

Required equipment

Required equipment


  • Special backpack for trekking (60 to 80 litres).
  • Warm sleeping bag (-10 degrees comfort, eg 800/1000 gms. of feather-duvet or good synthetic).
  • Insulating mat (10 to 15mm).
  • Inflatable insulating mattress (optional).
  • Pair of trekking sticks.


  • 1 Mountain boots for hills of 5000 meters (not necessarily double).
  • 1 extra trekking shoes.

FIRST LAYER (First skin)

  • Changes of underwear.
  • Cotton shirts (to be in the camp and to sleep).
  • T-shirts and/or short-sleeved synthetic t-shirts.
  • Long-sleeved synthetic shirt.
  • Polypropylene pants or leggings or similar (not cotton). To use as warm inner pants.
  • Thin polypropylene gloves or similar (not cotton).
  • pairs of thin polypropylene or similar socks (not cotton), in contact with the skin.
  • Buff type multifunction scarf.


  • Trekking pairs of socks (synthetic-thermal).
  • Pairs of thick mountain socks.
  • Some cotton or wool stockings (wool is good for sleeping).
  • 1 long trekking pants.
  • 2 coats (polar type, softshell or similar).
  • Feather-duvet jacket.
  • Polar fleece gloves
  • Warm hat (polar).

THIRD LAYER (windproof and waterproof)

  • Waterproof jacket (ultrex or gore tex or similar).
  • Trouser cover (gore tex or similar or ski type).
  • Third layer gloves or mittens (waterproof and breathable). They can be ski type.
  • Mountain leggings.


  • Crampons (possible to rent).
  • Mountain-climbing helmet.


  • ID/Passport
  • Medical travel insurance


  • Headlight with batteries (and spare batteries).
  • Strong plastic bags to store clothes.
  • Deep plastic plate, jug-glass and cutlery.


  • Sunglasses with UV protection Category 4.
  • Spare lenses (can be goggles, highly recommended).
  • Personal kit (medication with the relevant prescription).
  • High sunscreen, lip balm.
  • Soap, shampoo (small to share) and small towel.
  • Toilet paper. handkerchiefs Baby wipes.
  • Sun cap.

Rental Equipment

Trekking sleeping bag

Booking in Advance

US$ 16 + options

Pair of Trekking Poles

Booking in Advance

US$ 10 + options

Rental mittens

Booking in Advance

US$ 8 + options

Pair of Crampons

Booking in Advance

US$ 15 + options

Rental : helmet, crampons and ice ax

Booking in Advance

US$ 36 + options

Combo Top: helmet, crampons, ice ax and full harness

Booking in Advance

US$ 50 + options

Category 3 sunglasses - Shepra Julbo Spectrom

Booking in Advance

US$ 5 + options

Backpack for trekking and mountaineering - Woman

Booking in Advance

US$ 10 + options

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