Aconquija crossing trekking - from El Tesoro to Campo de los Alisos National Park - Inca Trail

One of the most complete, spectacular and wonderful trekking crossings in Argentina

  • Start Date : 2025-Sep-22
    End Date: 2025-Sep-29
  • Hora Inicio: 11 hs
    Hora Fin: 20 hs
  • Meeting Point:Tucuman
    End: Tucuman
  • Duration:8 days
    Availability: 15 spots
Nevados de Aconquija Crossing Trek - # top10trekofargentina


From the high altitude desert to the montane jungle and the yungas

The most demanding, complete and spectacular walking tour in America is found in northwestern Argentina. It joins  Catamarca province with Tucumán province, crossing the Nevados de Aconquija. It begins in the great aridity of the southern puna, in  Catamarca, and ends in the infinite thicket of the mountainous jungle of Campo de los Alisos National Park, in  Tucumán. It reaches a similar height to the top of Mont Blanc at 4850 masl, overcomes 2200 meters of elevation gain and the roaring and unrivaled mark of 4100 meters in descent. It enters La Ciudacita, one of the last constructions of the Inca Empire and finally manages to raise the bodies on an amazing cushion of clouds to the east, which is illuminated at each unforgettable sunrise. If the itineraries in the wild mountain, of pure nature, could be included in the artistic world, this would undoubtedly be a precious work of art. It is one of the 10 best and most important trekkings in Argentina.


Day 1 Meeting at San Miguel de Tucumán bus Station or Tucumán airport. Transfer on a mini-bus to Santa María town  (Catamarca) crossing part of the beautiful roads of the Calchaquí Valleys. From there we'll go to Estancia El Tesoro, base and beginning of our journey, at the feet of the giant Aconquija. Set up the camp, welcome dinner and talk about the general considerations of the journey. First night at 2600 masl.

Day 2 We get up and have a slow breakfast. We pack our backpacks while we uncamp and prepare the loads for the animals. First stage of the walking tour: approximately 3 hours, slow walk, to the small town of El Tesoro de Arriba (3070 m.a.s.l.). There we'll set up our camp number 1 and we'll begin our acclimatization period by taking short walks in the afternoon and hydrating very well.

Day 3 We leave early to walk in the cool of the morning, going up a small ravine and then a gigantic high plain. Later, a small winding ascent will begin and, finally, we'll arrive at our second camping site: La Cienaga (3600 m.a.s.l.) or Piedra Escrita. We'll continue with hydration and enjoy an already captivating environment, with amazing views of the Catamarca deserts to the west.

Day 4 We get up early again, have a full breakfast and go for a walk ... We go up again, the landscape becomes unmissable, and our breathing begins to shorten a bit due to the effects of the height. Suddenly we enter a great high valley, where those "tireless" Incas walked many years ago. We arrive at Las pirquitas, a high valley, surrounded by rocks from where we can see numerous guanacos. This camp is already at 4200 m.s.n.m. and it will be our last step on the Catamarca side.

Day 5 Key day, the day of the Pass, of the Aconquija crossing. We'll get up earlier than ever. Taking advantage of the cool morning, we go up one valley and then another, the steps are increasingly shorter and slower, which allows us to have a good rhythm in the mountains. Finally, the "Paso del Inca" (4800 masl) fatigue doesn't keep us from taking that unforgettable photo and above all remember that now we only have to descend... On the way we begin to see several ruins (which were part of the Inca empire a long time ago), we go down and down, we can see the Tucuman and Santiagueña plains. We arrive at the camping post, we look for the best place for the tents since the stones make it difficult. Camp options: La Yareta (3900 masl), or La Cueva (3700 masl), below La Ciudacita. Previously we'll make visit to the great ruins of La Ciudacita (4400 m.a.s.l.).

Day 6: Up early again. We'll continue descending to pass through La Cueva camp (3700 masl) and from there we'll continue up the steep slope and an electrifying zigzag until we gradually get into the life of the flora and fauna of the Campo de los Alisos National Park, with Tabaquillos and other trees plus tall grassland. Finally we'll arrive at our La Cascada camp, at 2,700 m.a.s.l. The place is paradisiacal with Las Pavas River waterfall, the vegetation, the sounds and an astonishing geography. Rest and sleep with almost no height to bear.

Day 7 Another long and important day of descent. The chances of observing herds of Tarucas (deer preserved in the park) are greater. The jungle of Tucumán, the southernmost yunga, is already making itself felt. The weather, the landscape, our mood, everything changes. Little by little walking along a path and sometimes not, we see the first traces of civilization in "La Mesada", an English-style house from the beginning of the century. Where we preper to set up the tents, the pot on the fire for some comforting matecitos We are already at 1650 m.s.n.m. The unevenness we made shocks us.

Day 8 Last day of the crossing, we only have to continue going down, furrowing some rivers and streams with beautiful pools, until the post “Los Chorizos” (second “civilized” place of the crossing). From here, we must cross the last part of the park, descending through wide paths and enjoying the sounds of the jungle. The crossing has finished (780 m.a.s.l.). Once down, we go to Concepción and San Miguel de Tucumán, where our fantastic adventure ends. Transfer to hostels (ask to spend this last night in the city) or Terminal - airport.

Demanding crossing, one of the longest, with lot of unevenness

Included Services
  • Local transfer to and from San Miguel de Tucumán
  • Mules and pack donkeys throughout the tour
  • Baqueanos
  • Professional mountain guides
  • Full board in the mountains (breakfast, energetic walking, lunch, snack, dinner)
  • General kitchen equipment (Pots, heaters)
  • First aid kit and main kit
  • Communication equipment for emergencies: VHF and Satellite Phone
  • Satellite monitoring via Spot throughout the journey
  • Bedroom tents
  • Informational meetings
  • Proper training plan
  • Personal accident insurance
  • Permanent assistance and coordination

Services NOT included
  • Trip tickets to Tucumán
  • Expenses incurred due to abandonment of the program
  • Tips

Photo and Video Gallery


Crossing the Aconquija - Trekking

Trekking the Nevados de Aconquija

Where do you sleep

in mountain tents, for 2, 3 and 4 people.



How many hours do we walk per day?

In general we have a system of walking about 3/4 hours in the morning; We make a great lunch stop and walk the same in the afternoon to the place where we set up camp.

What temperatures do we have to endure?

The north of Argentina is characterized by having an important thermal amplitude (heat during the day and cool at night and early morning). There is also the so-called "Bolivian Winter". This means that in our summer (December to March) there is the rainy season. In our winter it does not rain but the thermal amplitude is noticeable a little more and the cold in the nights and early mornings can be felt, especially in the high camps (at more than 2500 masl) as two of this route.
You have to protect yourself a lot from the sun with a hat-cap, neck scarves, sunscreen and mountain sunglasses. And for the night it is important to have a good sleeping bag and shelter since the temperature can drop to less than 0 ° Celsius.

What sleeping bag should I bring?

The sleeping bags must be able to withstand a temperature of 0 ° Comfort, so as to be able to rest. The duvet-goose down material is the best, but the synthetics nowadays also have modern and high-performance materials. (ask us about rental)

Is there something you can tell me about the group? How many are we, ages, etc.?

In general these are very heterogeneous groups (all kinds of people). Varied ages and genders, people traveling alone, accompanied by a friend, couples, families, etc.

Where do we spend the night?

The overnight stay is done in mountain camps in igloo-type tents, comfortable and for 2/3 or 4 people.

Do I have to bring a tent?

The tents are included in the service.

What physical condition must I have to be able to carry out this type of crossing?

It is not decisive that you are an athlete and that you train 4 times a week. But it is important that you know that the better physically you are, the better it will always be. The idea of ??these adventures is that you can enjoy it and not suffer it. If you do not usually train, go for a run, bike or other aerobic activity, we recommend that you attend some class of our weekly trainings associated with mountain activities. And you start by going for a walk with a backpack loaded of no less than 8 kilograms and do several kilometers per week and also go up and down stairs or slopes in series of 20 uninterrupted minutes. Ask us for a suitable training plan.

Are rest stops made?

The stops are given with a frequency and graduation according to intensity.

There are stops for lunch, snack, and rest.

From what age can I do this activity?

From 13 years of age.

How much does the backpack weigh?

Between 12 and 15 kilos

What do we eat?

In all our expeditions we offer the service of meals IN FULL BOARD PLAN.

  • Marching lunches (cold meals): Milanesa and tomato sandwiches, cold cuts, snacks, salads, tapas, etc.
  • Dinners: Vegetable-bacon-red chorizo ??stews, Chicken and vegetable casseroles, Pasta with various sauces or stew, Roast meat (Chivito), Chaw Fan, Chicken with rice in the saucepan ...
  • Breakfasts and snacks: Tea, Coffee, Cappuccino, Mate, Milk powder; bread, cookies, jam, honey, dulce de leche; cereals, fruit.

It is necessary to complete the personal / medical file to clarify if someone does not eat any type of food.

Difficulty graduation

Mochila: Peso / Duración de la Jornada.

Exigencia Física

Técnico: Dificultad en el Terreno / Equipo.

Fortaleza Psicológica

Exposición a la Altura

Backpack (M)

This point has to do with the weight that we must carry in our backpacks. Trekkings or crossings where we have pack animals allow us to bear less weight on our backs. And the multi-day journeys in Patagonia (without the option of having pack mules) generally make us carry more weight, especially in the early days.

20% Up to 5 Kilos: Short excursion walks / Trekking Talampaya

40% Up to 8/10 Kilos: Round-trip trekking / Vallecitos 3 and 4-day programs

60% Up to 12/15 kilos: Crossing trekking with porting / Crossing of the Andes Paso Portillo

80% More than 15/18 kilos: Cross-country trekkings with little or no portage / Trekkings in Patagonia (Paso Vuriloche, PN Lanin or Nahuel Huapi, etc)

100% More than 25 Kilos: With a lot of equipment on top and little or no porting / Continental Ice

Fitness (F)

We consider physical demands to the wear that we can suffer both aerobic (climbs = possible shortness of breath) and muscle (resistance = many hours walking) and of legs and joints (descents = knees / ankles).

20% half a day or less with little unevenness.

40% more sustained slopes and longer days in the activity. 2-3 days / more than 6 hours per day.

60% Long ascents and descents with a longer duration. Ascents to more than 4000 meters in the central mountain range / intense 4-day trekking (Uruguayan plane)

80% Important work of legs in resistance. Very long days. Very long day ascents (Lanin - Domuyo) or more than 5000 meters. Ice courses.

100% Maximum demand. Aerobic work and constant effort on legs. Continental Ice, Aconcagua, mountains of more than 6000 meters.

Technical (T)

The technical difficulty is mainly based on the terrain. How much can it cost us to climb a slope, if it is very steep or if we have to use our hands in some section (simple climbing), both in rock and snow-ice, or materials such as crampons and pegs in other ascents.

20% flat land

40% trails with moderate ups and downs. General crossing trekkings . Sierra de la Ventana, Córdoba, Patagonia, Cuyo, north, others. Classic ascents

60% Steeper slopes and trails. Possible use of crampons. Domuyo, Cordón del Plata, Cordillera Central.

80% Mixed terrain, with snow or ice. Alvear, Lanin, Tronador. Bolivia, Peru.

100% Highly technical terrain. Glacial transit and climbing in sections. Hill climbing with sections on slopes of more than 60 ° inclination

Psycho (P)

We maintain that this point, the psychological factor, represents a relevant factor. Each one needs a factor of conviction, confidence, self-control and will power to achieve a goal. And depending on the attitude with which we face distances, slopes, terrain and many other objective factors, we can achieve performance with very different results.

20% We will not be much affected.

40% This is a normal level of attention.

60% We require more motivation, enthusiasm and concentration.

80% The activity will require us to be very connected and convinced.

100% Maximum control and emotional-psychological performance.

Adventures (A)

It is the factor that, the height above sea level, influences us depending on the activity we carry out. Managing and overcoming symptoms caused by altitude is the key to this point

0% + sea level.

20% Up to 2000 masl.

40% + 2000 masl.

60% + 4000 masl.

80% + 5000 masl.

100% + 6000 masl.

Gradual Adventure Activity Difficulty System designed by Leandro Scheurle.
Copyright © 2009. All rights reserved.

Required equipment

  • Special backpack for trekking (65 to 85 liters)
  • Warm sleeping bag (example 0 ° comfort down)
  • Insulating mat (10 to 15mm).
  • Trekking poles
  • 1 Trekking boots
  • 1 second lightweight trekking shoe
  • A couple of changes of underwear
  • Several pairs of trekking socks (some may be first-skin-inner-fine)
  • 1 pair of wool socks (sleeping coat)
  • 2 Polypropylene T-shirts (dry fit type) or similar (not cotton) for walking
  • 1 thermal type long sleeve t-shirt
  • Indoor trousers (type leggings or long johns) warm
  • Trekking pants. Lightweight-fast drying
  • 2 intermediate outerwear (long-sleeved polars)
  • Warm hat (polar or synthetic wool)
  • Sun hat (with flaps)
  • Neckerchief
  • Warm gloves
  • Waterproof-windproof jacket (ultrex or gore tex or similar)
  • Document.
  • Medical insurance
  • Complete medical and personal file
  • FRONT flashlight with batteries (spare batteries).
  • Sturdy plastic bags for storing clothes.
  • Personal dishes (plate, jug and cutlery).
  • Sunglasses with category 4 uv protection. (IMPORTANT)
  • Personal first-aid kit (medication with the pertinent prescription).
  • Sunscreen, Lip balm
  • Soap, shampoo (small to share) and small towel.
  • Toilet paper. Handkerchiefs Baby wipes.
  • Water containers for at least 2 liters (can be plastic bottle), Camelback, Nalgene or similar
OPTIONAL, not mandatory (mind space and weight)
  • SILVER TAPE tape, for blisters and repairs.
  • Mate, bombilla and yerba.
  • Steel thermos.
  • Water purification tablets.
  • Mini - sewing box.
  • Largavista, monocle. Photographic or video equipment.
  • Book, notebook, travel diary, pencil, pen.
  • Games; playing cards, dice, etc
  • Penknife
  • Warm jacket

Rental Equipment

Trekking sleeping bag

Booking in Advance

US$ 16 + options

Pair of Trekking Poles

Booking in Advance

US$ 10 + options

Rental mittens

Booking in Advance

US$ 8 + options

Pair of Crampons

Booking in Advance

US$ 15 + options

Rental : helmet, crampons and ice ax

Booking in Advance

US$ 36 + options

Combo Top: helmet, crampons, ice ax and full harness

Booking in Advance

US$ 50 + options

Category 3 sunglasses - Shepra Julbo Spectrom

Booking in Advance

US$ 5 + options

Backpack for trekking and mountaineering - Woman

Booking in Advance

US$ 10 + options

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